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Love problem solutions

Love problems

The Love Marriage gives you a good time in life, as the foundation or base of the marriage is love and understanding. The couple has known each other for a good amount of time and wants to be together. There are some issues in love marriage like they are not convinced with your respected partner because of their own personal reason. At that time convincing them and maintaining a happy relationship after marriage becomes tough for them in life.
The stress of fighting over money constitutes one of the most often cited marriage problems that couples face. Perhaps the biggest predictor of marriage problems is poor communication or negative communication that belies damaging attitudes and dynamics within the relationship.
Sometimes couples experience marriage problems that could be solved if the two could notice their bad habits and change them. People don’t always make a conscious decision to argue over petty things, nag and be critical, or leave messes for the other to clean, for example.
They get busy or distracted, stress builds, and they go on autopilot. Then they find themselves following the same patterns they hadn’t realized they were choosing in the first place.
Couples who do love marriage without their parents’ acceptance create a lot of problems for themselves. Marrying without the acceptance of parents or family creates a lot of negative vibes around the house. It might start with little venting but can lead to bad-mouthing. It creates a lot of negativity around the home.
Research shows that people in bad marriages usually have low self-esteem, struggle with anxiety and depression, and have a higher rate of illness than those who don’t. People feel sad and grieve when they decide to let go — but people who divorce do recover emotionally, and Cole says most find new relationships.
Many love marriages result in failure or end with divorce. This is because of the lack of giving and take policy, misunderstanding, Ego, and responsibility-taking. During love, before marriage, both don’t have that much responsibility in terms of their life. They will see only love with each other.
Financial stability- If you are planning to do a love marriage “the most” important thing is financial stability. When we were children we used to say money can’t buy everything, but believe me, money can buy everything and anything, and most importantly will give you status in society.
In India, maxim love marriages are either intercaste and a small percentage are inter-religion. Few are loved and further arranged and again a good portion is court/temple marriages. In a large portion of the parents will be sad or angry and will be of the mindset that you are doing the marriage so you handle your finances. Hence at that time if you are financially independent it will solve your large portion of problems, otherwise be ready to bear the constant taunting.
Self independence-Beside financial instability you have to be self-independent as a couple also. What I mean to say is that “nobody is going to help you” or “will help you with half heart”an emergency or any other part of life like health problems, children’s education, etc. For your every help in the initial years, you will hear the same dialogue, you have married so you yourself handle.So, be mentally prepared to face any kind of problems as a couple only without much help from others.
Astrology help for Love Marriage

Astrology helps a lot in the issues of married life, especially in love marriage. Where they have lost the spark or have dishonesty in them. Astrology gives you proper guidance and solutions regarding it. Like reading the Kundalis and giving the idea of issues to be faced in married life. They give Yantras, chants, mantras, gemstones, and other solutions provided to them to make love marriage work in life.

Every problem faced in love marriage can be solved by astrology, the expert astrologer gives different solutions and remedies in life. To solve this, they give you proper guidance and solutions needed in life. Astrology helps to make the love marriage work with happiness and peace in life.

To Sum Up

The Love marriage also faces many issues in life, but with the help of astrology, you can overcome them easily. You can also talk to astrologers for the proper guidance and solutions in life.

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